Marble or granite stairs?
Both granite and marble stairs look charming and they can add character to the whole interior.So, we are giving you a hint what to choose, marble or granite stairs? A lot of people wonder whether to choose stairs made of marble or of granite. As we can gather from numerous internet fora, many a customer is considering the purchase of these materials for their stairs. More and more often, they are giving up the idea of buying wooden stairs being afraid that although wood looks cosy and beautiful, it can get damaged very quickly
Granite stairs
Granite stairs are exceptionally durable and resistant to abrasion. They are also characterised by the ability to withstand adverse mechanical factors and they are frost resistant. A variety of textures granite occurs in affects its functionality. Additionally, its broad spectrum of colours makes it a versatile material suitable for every taste and every interior.
Granite stairs are most resistant to abrasion and scratching. They are easy to be polished and as such they are characterised by unmatched durability. They are entirely waterproof and good at accumulating warmth due to granite’s high density between 2,3 g/m to 2,8 g/cm.
Some people fear granite stairs are too slippery. In order to avoid this problem, it is worth considering buying the stairs made of sand granite, flamed or grained and then brushed.
Marble stairs
Schody z marmuru wybierane są ze względu na fakt, że są subiektywnie odbierane jako ciepMarble is the stone of lower durability than granite, which makes it easier to be treated. It is also characterised by low absorption ranging from 0,1% to 0,5%. Marble stairs can be easily polished to obtain a mirror finish.
Marble stairs are very popular among our Customers as these kind of stairs are perceived as warm and cosy. For this very reason and because of the properties of this stone, they are ideal for finishing elements of stairs as well as for stair treads, risers, bannisters and even landings.
Whatever choice you make, you have to remember about their proper impregnation. This kind of treatment can protect the surface against the permanent staining. Any dents can be easily repaired by means of an epoxide or a plaster putty knife.