Is it worth using travertine for interior staircases?

On the Polish, market there are a lot of materials which could be used for either the interior or exterior staircases. However, the object of desire for many an investor is stone, which guarantees durability and unique appearance. Most frequently the final investor’s decision to take is whether to choose granite, marble or travertine. The budget an investor can allocate remains a crucial point.

A choice of stone for the exterior staircases – what to consider?
Anyone taking a decision which material to choose from to clad their exterior stairs, should address at least a few issues. You should be aware of the fact that stone will be in constant contact with the atmospheric factors, so its high endurance is fundamental.
Stone roughness, which is formed during the process of stone treatment, is an additional asset, since it considerably lowers the risk of slipping. Every owner of a detached house wants their exterior stairs to be a decorative element of the house without stretching their budget. Stairs made of marble are the best guarantor of an exceptional elegance. Yet, you should be mindful that the surface of marble stairs is very slippery. Its contact with rain or snow poses a great risk for their users. Moreover, we will quickly notice some imperfections and that includes abrasion process, caused by atmospheric conditions. As a result, marble can either get matt or on its surface there may appear numerous discoloration marks.
Much more popular stone for the exterior stairs is granite characterised by flamed surface. Due to the fact that, granite surface is rough and coarse, to dirty such stairs is not easy. A great advantage of granite is its durability, high resistance to scratching and to bad weather conditions.
Sandstone is a cheaper material for the exterior stairs, yet it needs to be hard and unpolished not to make sandstone stairs too slippery.
Basalt is another option, which can guarantee high durability and safety without a doubt.
A choice of stone for the interior stairs – what to consider?
Investors deciding on the right stone for their interior stairs have it much easier to make a choice since the stone inside is not exposed to humidity. Bearing this in mind, you can consider every kind of stone available on the market. Granite and marble is highly acclaimed, while only few take a decision to use travertine for their interior stairs. The interior stairs made of stone, are very easy to maintain on daily basis, which is a great asset. To clean them, you just need some warm water with added detergent.
Granite steps can prove to be slippery even inside the house unless they undergo a specialist treatment. For example, it is recommended that granite first undergoes the process of sanding, flaming or graining and then it is brushed, owing to which it gets a smooth surface.


Is it worth using travertine for interior staircases?

Is it worth using travertine for interior staircases?


  1. Is it worth using travertine for interior staircases? – Fainner
  2. Is it worth using travertine for interior staircases? – Fainner
  3. Is it worth using travertine for interior staircases? – Fainner
  4. Is it worth using travertine for interior staircases? – Fainner
  5. Is it worth using travertine for interior staircases? – Fainner
  6. Is it worth using travertine for interior staircases? – Fainner
  7. Is it worth using travertine for interior staircases? – Fainner
  8. Is it worth using travertine for interior staircases? – Fainner
  9. Is it worth using travertine for interior staircases? – Fainner
  10. Is it worth using travertine for interior staircases? – Fainner
  11. Is it worth using travertine for interior staircases? – Fainner

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Czym wykończyć ścianę w kuchni nad blatem?

Pomieszczenie, w którym gotujemy, smażymy i pieczemy, poza tym, że będzie się piękne prezentowało, musi być również bardzo funkcjonalne. Kuchnia, bo o niej oczywiście mowa może być aranżacyjnym wyzwaniem. Jednym z ważnych punktów tego wnętrza jest ściana nad blatem. W naszym artykule podpowiemy czym wykończyć tę część, aby świetnie wyglądała i była praktyczna.

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Czym wykończyć ścianę w kuchni nad blatem?

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Planując nowoczesną aranżację ogrodu bądź elementów znajdujących się na zewnątrz tarasu, części płotu czy też innych możemy rozważać wykorzystanie różnych materiałów. Niewątpliwie ciekawym rozwiązaniem jest beton architektoniczny, który ma bardzo dobre właściwości i jest odporny na działanie różnorodnych czynników środowiskowych, dzięki czemu świetnie sprawdzi się na zewnątrz.

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