How to adjust a flue pipe to a fireplace with a water jacket insert ?

How to adjust a flue pipe to a fireplace with a water jacket insert ?

To function efficiently, every fireplace with a water jacket insert needs a separate flue pipe of the right dimensions and proportions in relation to the size of the furnace. Before choosing the flue pipe, you should remember about a few very important issues. Any flue pipe has to be airtight, resistant to high temperatures and to the substances emitted during woodburning. So the question arises what kind of chimney to select, what criteria to follow while choosing a flue pipe in order not to make a mistake and not to incur additional expenses.

A flue pipe and safety

Every flue pipe for a fireplace with a water jacket insert has to have proper certificates. Most frequently these are the same certificates as the ones for solid fuel furnaces. It is assumed that if you choose a flue pipe for the fireplace with a water jacket insert, the minimal height of a flue pipe is 4 meters in case its diameter equals the diameter of a stub-pipe of the smoke exhaust outlet of a fireplace or an insert. The fireplace capacity and the height of a flue should be taken into consideration when calculating the required diameter of a flue pipe.

As has been mentioned earlier, a flue pipe for a fireplace has to be resistant to high temperatures. It is recommended to choose a a ceramic or a steel pipe. Ceramic pipes have a 3 -layer construction, which facilitates their installation. A ceramic flue pipe is resistant to humidity and the temperature as high as 600 C while its smooth surface slows down a soot deposition.A steel flue pipe, on the other hand, is light and no base is required. It can be mounted directly above the fireplace and outside the building, which is its great asset. It is resistant to high temperatures, even those reaching 750 C. 

Should a chimney flue be extended above the roof of a house?

The height of a chimney flue for a fireplace with a water jacket insert measured above the ridgepole should be at least 60 cm. Additionally, in case of gable roofs and those covered with flammable materials at least 30 cm measured from the gable roof surface with inflammable roofing. In such case the flue should also be covered with spark arrester.

The tightness of a chimney flue

The smoke temperature can reach even 400 degrees Celsius. For this reason all flue’s elements should be joined very tightly. Moreover, the pipe located in a chimney flue which connects a fireplace with the flue should be installed in a way which enables the adjustment of its length when the temperature changes.

How to adjust a flue pipe to a fireplace with a water jacket insert ?How to adjust a flue pipe to a fireplace with a water jacket insert ?

How to adjust a flue pipe to a fireplace with a water jacket insert ?

How to adjust a flue pipe to a fireplace with a water jacket insert ?


  1. How to adjust a flue pipe to a fireplace with a water jacket insert ? – Fainner
  2. How to adjust a flue pipe to a fireplace with a water jacket insert ? – Fainner

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