How to look after granite stairs?

Granite stairs - due to its quality and its array of colours it comes in, granite is the most frequently selected stone to produce stairs. In spite of its high resistance to abrasion, granite stairs should be regularly maintained so that they can retain their beauty as long as possible. How to look after granite stairs?
Granite is one of the most long-wearing stone and as such it has a wide range of applications. The functional properties of granite are its fundamental value. Granite stairs retain their beauty for many years and they are a stylish complement to every interior.
How to look after granite stairs?
Despite their high resistance to abrasion, even granite stairs need proper maintenance. First of all, we have to remember about their impregnation just after the installation. There are specialist granite care products available on the market and when using them we only have to follow the instructions on the packaging or in the attached leaflet. More intensive maintenance should be carried out every 2 to 3 years, which is not too gruelling or time consuming.
As regards everyday maintenance, we should follow a stonemason’s recommendations, although in most cases water with washing liquid will do. For granite stairs should be clean whatever the weather. We should regularly sweep them and clear them of snow - in the case of exterior stairs.
So, all we need to maintain our granite stairs are suitable accessories, cleaning and impregnating products. It is worth buying:
· Preparaty impregnujące.soft brush or delicate cloth
· granite cleaning products
· granite impregnating products
When to clean granite stairs?
Granite stairs should be cleaned regularly. On daily basis, we should remove water and organic rotting waste like leaves or grass etc. They include organic compounds, which may permanently discolour some areas. Besides, sand can also have negative effects on the stone as it acts like a sand paper and as such it can matt the smooth surface of granite. 
It is not advisable to use a vacuum cleaner to keep granite stairs clean. Although, there are many different types of vacuum cleaner nozzles, we can scratch the surface with a vacuum cleaner only. To get rid of any kind of dirt or stain, it is enough to sweep the steps, and then clean them with a specialist granite care product. Despite the fact, that the stone is heat-resistant up to 3000 degrees Celsius, it can loose its lustre if we do not take a proper care of it in advance.


How to look after granite stairs?

How to look after granite stairs?

How to look after granite stairs?

How to look after granite stairs?

  1. Jak dbać o schody granitowe? – Fainner
  2. Jak dbać o schody granitowe? – Fainner
  3. Jak dbać o schody granitowe? – Fainner
  4. Jak dbać o schody granitowe? – Fainner
  5. Jak dbać o schody granitowe? – Fainner
  6. Jak dbać o schody granitowe? – Fainner

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