Agglomarble stairs - are they worth buying?
Agglomarble, in other words synthetic conglomerate is the material of high quality produced from carefully selected marble aggregate with the admixture of resin, which acts as its binder. Thanks to the application of modern technological processing, agglomarble can be used to produce stairs. Is it worth buying agglomarble stairs? Agglomarble is an exceptionally durable material of smooth surface, which can be easily kept clean. Additionally, owing to the use of resin, it is less brittle than marble or granite.
How is agglomarble produced?
Agglomarble is the stone made from carefully selected marble aggregates, which combined with resin form uniform rock of very smooth surface. Its composition is based on 90% of marble aggregates and 10% of epoxy resin. The absorption of agglomarble is three times as low as that of natural stone and its resistance to crushing and abrasion twice as high as that of natural stone. That’s why agglomerate seems to be an ideal material to produce stairs.
Is it a good idea to buy stairs made of agglomarble?
The answer to the above question seems obvious. Agglomarble is resistant to external atmospheric factors, damage and scratches - so we can certainly choose it to make our stairs. Are we going to regret this decision. Definitely not as agglomarble is one of the few materials which is unaffected by many external influences at the same time retaining its beauty.
Due to an array of colours it comes in and because of its processabilty, we will easily choose a material that will be suitable for your interior.