Quartz conglomerate – its application

Quartz conglomerate also known as quartz-granite is composed of natural quartz (95%), polymer resins and other ingredients (5%). It differs substantially from other natural stones like marble or granite in terms of its physical and chemical properties.

Quartz conglomerate - its properties

Quartz-granite is a mixture of natural quartz and elastic resin with silver ions added, owing to which the material acquires antibacterial properties. Additionally, the risk of mould and mildew is reduced to the minimum.
Due to its antibacterial properties, quart-granite is extensively used in the production of sanitary fittings both for private and public facilities, which are particularly at risk of being infected. Washbasins, stairs or kitchen worktops made of quartz-granite are ideal for guesthouses, hotels, swimming pols or hospitals.
The production of quart-granite is quite complex. Before reaching its final form, quart-granite undergoes mechanical treatment during which elastic resin and other chemical ingredients are added thus increasing its durability. Quart-granite slabs are pressed with ultra high pressurised water and at a very high temperature, owing to which, we obtain a product, which is resistant to any kind of chemicals and which is safe when used.
Quartz-granite is most frequently sold in the form of 2 cm and 3 cm thick slabs. Their dimensions can differ depending on the producer.

Quartz-granite worktops

Quartz-granite works great as a countertop for a kitchen and a bathroom. It is a particularly durable material, distinguished by its colouring. Moreover, thanks to the application of modern technologies, quartz-granite worktops can occur in an infinite variety of shapes. Quartz conglomerate is an exceptionally hard-wearing material resistant to chemicals, staining or damaging.
A magnitude of colours of this extraordinary material enables matching its colour with the style of the interior.

Stairs made of quartz conglomerate

High durability and usefulness of quartz-granite adds to the safety and comfort of the stairs made of quartz conglomerate. Such stairs meet all building standards and requirements. They can be equally fitted both inside and outside.

A rich palette of colours (even 50 different colours and textures) as well as high resistance to mechanical damage make this material suitable for the production of stairs, which are particularly exposed to various environmental factors.
All in all, if you opt for the products made of quartz conglomerate, you get the guarantee that the purchased goods will serve you well in the years ahead. 


Quartz conglomerate – its application

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Czym wykończyć ścianę w kuchni nad blatem?

Pomieszczenie, w którym gotujemy, smażymy i pieczemy, poza tym, że będzie się piękne prezentowało, musi być również bardzo funkcjonalne. Kuchnia, bo o niej oczywiście mowa może być aranżacyjnym wyzwaniem. Jednym z ważnych punktów tego wnętrza jest ściana nad blatem. W naszym artykule podpowiemy czym wykończyć tę część, aby świetnie wyglądała i była praktyczna.

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Czym wykończyć ścianę w kuchni nad blatem?

Czy beton architektoniczny nadaje się na zewnątrz?

Planując nowoczesną aranżację ogrodu bądź elementów znajdujących się na zewnątrz m.in. tarasu, części płotu czy też innych możemy rozważać wykorzystanie różnych materiałów. Niewątpliwie ciekawym rozwiązaniem jest beton architektoniczny, który ma bardzo dobre właściwości i jest odporny na działanie różnorodnych czynników środowiskowych, dzięki czemu świetnie sprawdzi się na zewnątrz.

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Czy beton architektoniczny nadaje się na zewnątrz?
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